Use "had rather|have rather" in a sentence

1. I would rather have had...... one breath of her hair

2. We had to leave rather hurriedly.

3. The carpets had worn rather threadbare.

4. He had rather unattractive stubby fingers.

5. I'd rather have a cigarette.

6. The Small Black seems to have had a rather mixed reputation amongst agriculturalists.

7. 25 Butler herself had rather different origins.

8. My interference had rather an unfortunate result.

9. The story had a rather weedy plot.

10. The experience had left him rather shaky.

11. He had a rather forbidding, saturnine manner.

12. Your tunes have become rather dull.

13. Our circumstances have been rather exceptional.

14. He had a rather volatile temper and can't have been easy to live with.

15. I have two rather aged aunts.

16. He had a rather slow and ponderous manner.

17. He's had to go into hospital rather suddenly.

18. 2 He had a gentle, rather bovine expression.

19. A rather difficult task had been successfully accomplished.

20. 4 He had a rather forbidding, saturnine manner.

21. Price had seemed rather subdued after the meeting.

22. He was rather slow, rather ponderous.

23. I'd rather have my leg chopped off.

24. 1 I did have rather spindly legs.

25. I'd rather have Witty treat my haemorhoids.

26. I'd rather have prawn with pepper sauce.

27. I had rather an odd experience the other day.

28. Actually, I've... had rather a lot of lustful thoughts.

29. She had some rather unusual ideas about raising children.

30. He had a rather dowdy wife and several children.

31. She had married a charming but rather vague Englishman.

32. They have been rather indiscreet about their affair.

33. I'm rather accident-prone, I have to admit.

34. • I am rather shaken, I have to Confess

35. Bustards have rather long legs, adapted to running

36. Her works have been rather uneven this year.

37. I hear you'd rather die than admit you had sex.

38. He had become rather despondent about his lack of progress.

39. She became rather indignant over suggestions that she had lied.

40. 29 I had a rather unpleasant experience at the dentist's.

41. I had a rather alarming encounter with a wild pig.

42. He had to walk or rather run to the office.

43. So someone must have offered you something rather sweet.

44. Social relations rather than their cultural vestments have priority.

45. Would you not rather have your precious little ingénue?

46. The peahens have merely been seduced rather than won.

47. The editors have normalized the author's rather unusual spelling.

48. I have actually been rather simplistic in my distinctions.

49. We had to make the most of our rather slender resources.

50. Mr Thomlinson had made a rather ugly rockery out of it.

51. And we had to wear boots rather than rock climbing shoes.

52. Ed was rather peeved about how Martin had handled the situation.

53. Inarticulate and rather shy, he had always dreaded speaking in public.

54. Roderigo . By heaven, I rather would have been his hangman.

55. Goodnight, you know I'd much rather have dinner with you.

56. Rather, Isaiah’s prophecy was seen to have a spiritual application.

57. Well, I would rather have no friends than too many.

58. They developed a new chariot design that had lighter wheels, with four spokes rather than eight, and that held three rather than two warriors.

59. Crook had resigned his post rather than be party to such treachery.

60. The meal we had at the restaurant was rather betwixt and between.

61. It's rather colorful.

62. That's rather nasty.

63. The neck was short, and later species had a rather stiff trunk.

64. Wish I'd had time to pack, but my trip was rather unexpected.

65. Kevin's mother had rather malevolent ways of punishing a three-year-old.

66. She had started to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing.

67. OMG, so many images. I'd rather have a 2d fighting game.

68. I'd rather have that than a 10-foot-high catfish statue.

69. He would much rather have been Crooning in a smoky bar.

70. They would have to be demonic rulers rather than angelic guardians.

71. We have six desks in this room, so we're rather cramped .

72. 7 He had a freckled face, pale and pointed, rather earnest, still schoolboyish.

73. The problem turned out to be rather less tractable than I had expected.

74. Not out of a mere adventuresome spirit; rather, we had a specific purpose.

75. Some general managers had been rather unfairly linked with cost containment and cutbacks.

76. Maybe they too are rational rather than irrational, morally disreputable rather than organically abnormal,(sentence dictionary) overwhelmed by adversity rather than by wickedness.

77. Sabour spoke slowly, too, and he had a rather unnerving dead-level gaze.

78. 9 Perdita had rather a reedy voice, but she insisted on joining in.

79. Alphonist Bathroom rather small

80. Rather cold, isn't it?